Introducing: A New web tool That Makes Professional Flower Buyer's Life Easier

Written by Eduardo Polo | May 13, 2022 7:29:14 PM

As part of our commitment to providing outstanding customer service, we have added a new feature to our website.

This new feature can help you make your flower buying process more efficient.

Our web-based dashboard provides buyers with an easy way to view their current flower availability and place bids on new colors. If you are interested in signing up, get in touch with us so we can create your account.

Once you have an account, you can log in and select the "market-place" option from the navigation bar at the top of the page. Our system will automatically load the grower's availability for you to choose what you are looking for

One great feature of our buyer dashboard is that it allows users with accounts on multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, etcetera, to log in and see their purchases no matter where they are, so if one device is lost, stolen, or otherwise unavailable, all users' data will still be accessible via another device. How cool is that?

Our new web buying tool is an easy way to find flower suppliers that meet the specifications that you have set. This new tool adds another layer to the already existing features of our site to help you get better sourcing results when you browse through products. We aim to give you multiple options so that you can find a trusted supplier who meets your standards and is able to offer you great customer service.

The flower trade is changing. In order to be competitive, you need to stay up to date on what new features are available. We'll bring your sourcing into the future.